Field Experience Student Teaching & Practicum

If you are pursuing a teaching degree you are required to successfully complete 8-16 student teaching credits.

The is located in TK20. Please review the directions for completing the student teaching application in TK20 before you start.

Application Due Dates

  • Spring semester student teaching: October 1
  • Fall semester student teaching: February 15

Application Requirements
All students must be admitted to SARTE to be eligible for student teaching.

  1. Student teachers must have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 (Early Childhood, Elementary & SPED) or 2.5 (Secondary and K/12) at the time of application. We will not be able to wait until the end of the semester to see if a student is going to be able to raise her/his GPA.
    • If the GPA falls below the required minimum after the application is received, student teaching will be deferred to a semester in which the GPA is at or above minimum requirements.
  2. All courses required for the major must be completed or in progress at the time of application. Students must earn a grade of C- or better in all courses required for the major.
    • If a student receives a grade below C- during the application semester, the course will need to be repeated and student teaching postponed. The student or advisor will notify the Field Experiences Office, as soon as possible, if this should happen.
  3. Successful previous field experiences must be documented. If a student has an unsuccessful field experience the semester before student teaching, the Field Experiences Office may postpone student teaching.
  4. Evidence of positive professional dispositions must be documented. This is part of the Student Teaching Application in TK20.

Once You Complete the Student Teaching Application

Please contact Lisa Staiger with any questions.

You must apply for liability insurance prior to your first field experience and reapply every August until completion of the teacher preparation program.

Order an official MSUM Name Tag from . Please read carefully through all instructions before you begin the order. There is a cost of approximately $15 for your name tag.

Name Tags are ordered online through and picked up at Printing Services, located in MacLean 182. After placing your order, please allow two weeks for the delivery of your name tag so you will have that prior to the start of your experience. You will receive an email when it is ready.

  1. Go to the .
  2. If you haven't created an account with Marketing/Print Shop already, you will need to create an account. Your username should be your MSUM email ( and whatever password you choose. In the "Site/Department" location, you must enter "Field Experience". You will receive an email when your account is activated, this can take up to an hour or so.
  3. Once logged in, click on "New Order" at the top of the page. Then Bus Cards/Name Badge; scroll down to the Name Badge.
  4. Enter Name (Mr./Ms./Mrs.) (First name) (Last name); Gender Pronoun (Optional); Job Title is MSUM Teacher Candidate; Department Name (Leave Blank).
  5. Verify all is correct and continue.
  6. Site/Dept is "Field Experience"
  7. Account number is "000000 Student Teacher" (this is for all Practicum as well).
  8. Shipping is "Hold For Pickup".
  9. When you receive an email notifying you the name tag is ready, you may pick it up at McLean 182.
  10. You may use Card or Cash to pay the cost of your name tag when you pick it up. The cost is approximately $15.

草莓视频 has partnered with Castle Branch to manage your background check needs:

How it works:

  1. Go to the :
    1. Select: Place Order
    2. Select: Teaching & Learning
    3. Select: Appropriate package:
      • Introduction to Education
      • Early Childhood Education
      • Elementary Inclusive Education
      • Special Education
      • Secondary/K-12 Education or
      • Student Teacher
  2. Enter all required information — it is important to disclose any charges that could potentially be on your record.
  3. Previous address information is necessary. If you do not know the exact address, please be sure to include the county of residence.
  4. Processing will take 48-72 hours, so place your order well before you need to attend Practicum/Student Teaching.
  5. Cost is $55.50 for full Background Check.
  6. If there is a problem with the link above, contact at 888-723-4263.

Placement Options Available to Student Teachers

Placements in the immediate area:

  • Moorhead, Fargo
  • West Fargo
  • Casselton
  • Dilworth
  • Glyndon
  • Hawley
  • Barnesville

Placements outside the immediate area but not considered “out of the area:

  • Lake Park & Audubon
  • Detroit Lakes
  • Perham
  • Frazee
  • Wahpeton
  • Fergus Falls
  • Pelican Rapids
  • Ada
  • Mahnomen
  • Others must be within 60 miles of Moorhead

Out of the area placements

Placements considered “out of the area” are more than 60 miles outside of Moorhead. Student teaching out of area in excess of 60 miles from campus will include extra fees added to your tuition, and you are required to complete the Out of Area Student Teaching Request form under Applications in TK20. The request form must be submitted by Sept. 1 for spring student teaching placements and by Feb. 1 for fall student teaching placements. You will also be required to complete the student teaching application during the semester prior to your planned student teaching semester.

  • Aldine, TX
    Aldine, Texas is 15 miles north of Houston. . This is a very diverse school district, and has been recognized nationally for student achievement and academic performance. See Lisa Staiger one year prior to student teaching if you are interested in Aldine.

Student Teaching Abroad - This program is paused for the 2024-2025 academic year.

We have several sites available for student teaching abroad:

  • Switzerland
  • Austria
  • South Africa
  • Australia
  • Norway
  • Greece

See Lisa Staiger one year prior to student teaching if you are interested in Student Teaching Abroad.

Professional Dispositions
Professional dispositions means the values, commitments and professional ethics that govern how a teacher acts with students, families, colleagues and communities. CAEP 2019

Professional Dispositions Assessment

In rare cases, if you do not meet the eligibility requirements for student teaching, the requirements may be appealed. Please make an appointment with Lisa Staiger to discuss the appeal and receive any paperwork needed.