Economics Undergrad Student Research
Economics majors present at the annual Student Academic Conference and compete at the national level in both research presented to national audiences and research published in peer-reviewed undergraduate journals. For more about research opportunities, contact your academic advisor.
Undergraduate Research in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Boadu, Kofi D. (2015) Undergraduate Economic Review: Vol. 12: Iss. 1, Article 9.
Abate, Iwnetim I. (2015) Undergraduate EconomicReview: Vol. 12: Iss. 1, Article 10.
Wang, You (2014) Undergraduate Economic Review: Vol. 11: Iss. 1, Article 5.
Brandt, Cody M. (2013) Undergraduate Economic Review: Vol. 10: Iss. 1, Article 12.
Kramer, Clay (2011) Undergraduate Economic Review: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 8.
Hagen, Derek (2005) Undergraduate Economic Review: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 9.
20th Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring
- Rachel Hettich, Do Gas Prices Affect Obesity Levels?
- Victoria Duncan, Race and its Effect on Teen Pregnancy Rates in Minnesota Counties
- Cody Brandt, The Economic Impact of NCAA Sanctions on Local Economies
Eastern Economics Association Conference
- Jesse Leyk, Factors Affecting Imports: Transport Equipment
- Marissa Peterson, Undergraduate Retention across Regional Public Universities
- Kegan Reiswig, The Impact of Revenue Sharing on MLB Competitiveness
- Luke Sperling, College Retention at Public Universities
- Brieanna Hoban, The Impact of Casinos on Dropout Rates in MN
- Joseph Bottrell, Lending Growth in North Dakota
- Amy Kemp, Factors Affecting Youth Crime Rates
- Jacob Claussen, Structural Unemployment In The Fargo Moorhead Area
- Derick Hermanson, Crime in the USA: A Panel Analysis
- Vaneesha Dusoruth
- Lea Brandel, Women's Choice Of Majors: Evidence From A Survey
- Matthew Borgen, Wal-Mart Super Centers' Impact Local Grocery Prices
- David Slovik, The Impact of Commute Time on the Labor Force Participation of Women
- Alyson Froslie, Female Labor Force Participation: A Cross-Sectional Study of Major U.S. Cities
- James Daniels, The Sugar Beet Industry in ND and MN
- Cory Markert, Economic Analysis of the Recording Industry
- Jesse Hoban, Red Tape & Economic Growth
- David Torpen, Economic Analysis of Minnesota Lake Property Prices
- Rachel Norness, The Male-Female Earnings Gap in Minnesota
- Derek Hagen, Real Estate Prices in Fargo-Moorhead
- Robert Valdez, Labor Market Discrimination Against Hispanics in Minnesota
- Dustin Jeske, Estimating Agricultural Land Prices
- Mindy Heller, The Economic Impact of Stadia on Cities
- Trevor Ernst, The Industrial Organization of the Construction Industry in Fargo-Moorhead
Minnesota Conference of Undergraduate Scholarly and Creative Activity
- Jed Eix, The Economics of Being Human
- You Wang, An Economic Analysis of Housing Market Instability and Affordability in China
- Cody Brandt, Empirical Analysis of the Effect of NCAA Sanctions on the Employment and Wages of a City
- Ka-wai Lau, Economic Development in Mid-Sized Cities: A Case Study of Urban Transportation in Fargo-Moorhead
- Rachel Hettich, Is Language a Barrier to Foreign Direct Investment?
- Ryan Daly, Is Sustainable Growth Possible in the Energy-rich Russian Federation
- Jed Eix, Islamic Immigration in the Country of Tolerance, the Netherlands
- Amber Wolbeck, Red Clover in the Red River Valley
MSUM Student Academic Conference
- Iwnetim Abate, Effect of different Factors on the Number of Photovoltaics Installation in the US
- Prabal Dangol, Different genres of music, different paths of life
- Vinh Dao, Do we need supplements to achieve a better physique and health condition? Truths and Lies within the Bodybuilding
and Health Supplements Industry - Kevin Hoots, Golf Skills that Offer the Highest Payouts
- Yongsoo Kim, Various Factors and Speculation Affecting New Condominium Price in Seoul, Korea
- Trey Kjono, East vs. West: An Economic Comparison of North Dakota Counties Pre and Post-Oil Boom
- Taylor Lehn, Women's labor force participation and the US economy
- Dylan Riley, Changes in Minnesota Golf Course Water Demand as a Result of a Summer Water Use Surcharge Increase
- Ryan Udelhoven, Differential Income Inequality
- Kofi Boadu, Will the economic gap between developing and developed countries narrow?
- Jed Eix, The economics of being human
- Zebulon Hallman, The economics of online games: Blurring the lines of reality
- Ching Yu Lam, Fertility considerations in Singapore: An economic perspective
- Jesse Leyk, Do transportation costs impact international trade flows of US agricultural commodities?
- You Wang, An Economic Analysis of Housing Market Instability and Affordability in China
- Tyler Kreidlkamp, Does the business cycle affect crime rates through public spending?
- Victoria Duncan, Decision-making and the demand for abortion: Insights from the economics literature
- Wen Kai Ling, Solar energy markets in Malaysia: An economic perspective
- Aminata Cissokho, Trade policies: How do tariffs operate across countries?
- Andres Batres, Road to success: A comparison of the NFL and La Liga sports leagues
- Cody Brandt, Empirical Analysis of the Effect of NCAA Sanctions on the Employment and Wages of a City
- Derek Lausch, The Economics of Sleep: The Connection Between Sleep Deprivation and Social Costs
- Diamond Stokes, Financial literacy: Can 草莓视频 prepare its students for the Real Financial World?
- Hoon Lee, Would establishing a cooperative system for childcare prevent declining labor market premiums among married women in South Korea?
- Ka-wai Lau, Economic Development in Mid-Sized Cities: A Case Study of Urban Transportation in Fargo-Moorhead
- Mark Arinaitwe, Herding in financial markets: Insights from the literature
- Rachel Hettich, Is Language a Barrier to Foreign Direct Investment?
- Ryan Daly, Is Sustainable Growth Possible in the Energy-rich Russian Federation
- Jed Eix, The Limitations of Neoclassical Economics and the Need for a New Economic Thinking
- Godwin Kessy, Off-Campus Living Might Cost You More Than You Think
- Marissa Peterson, Undergraduate Retention across Regional Public Universities
- Nicholas Enger, The Economic Components of Stock Prices
- Neil Lindner, Do Youth Participation Rates Really Reduce Crime Rates?
- Jesse Larson, Effects on Attendance in Major League Soccer
- Swarnima Rimal, Crime and Unemployment in North Dakota
- Ka-wai Lau, Is Human Capital the Answer to the Development of the “Bottom Billion?”
- Kelli Landis, Pet Surplus: It is Raining Cats and Dogs
- Amber Wolbeck, Red Clover in the Red River Valley
- Fariha Rahman, Cost Benefit Analysis of Nuclear Power
- Katie Nicklay, Are the Declining Rates of Union Membership a Result of the Economic Downturn?
- Tanner McCarty, Economic Analysis of Electricity Prices Across States
- Brock Gauer, Banksy Artwork: The New Stable Asset
- David Geeslin, How Does Altering Consequences to Display Moral Implications Affect the Criteria Individuals Use in Determining Daily Consumptive Activities?
- Aastha Khatiwada, Do the Cigarette Consumption Patterns of Youths and Adults Differ?
- Kelsey Grondahl, Outsourcing: Why is it Occurring and How does it Impact New Labor Market Entrants?
- Nicholas Pates, Bumper Expectations: The Effect of Revenue Insurance on Yield Volatility
- Robert Eden, Determinants of the Price of Smartphones
- Kegan Reiswig, Does the National Basketball Association's Soft Salary Cap Increase Competitive Parity?
- Glen Marshall, Economic Development in Indian Country: Best Practices and Possibilities
- Rachel Metzger, Effects of Employment on 草莓视频 Students' Grades
- Jacob Larsen, Every Drop Counts: An Analysis of International Water Markets and Pricing Policies
- Laura Trosdahl, Expansion Outlook: Fergus Falls, MN
- John Thein, Guatemala's Road to Development: An Economic Assessment
- Luke Sperling, How Employment Opportunities Affect University Retention
- Erik Hanson, Professional Sports Substitutes and the Demand for Major League Baseball
- James Teigland, Economics and Eli Whitney: Lessons in Intellectual Property Rights
- Brieanna Hoban, The Impact of Casinos on Dropout Rates in MN
- Jonathan Swart, The Evolution of an Ever Changing Solid Waste/Recycling Market: A Look at Consumer Waste
- Jena Thompson, Farm By-Products as a Source of Renewable Energy
- Nileendra Abeywardene, Elasticity of Rationality
- Mark Frenzel, Recessionary Religion: The Effects of Recessionary Pressures on Religious Structure
- Jared Dion, Does Money Talk? How the Composition of Individual Presidential Campaign Donations Impacts
- Clayton Kramer, Medical Tourism: Alternatives to the US Healthcare System
- Motoki Akagi, Examination of Modern Economic Society
- Isaac Thomas, The Meteoric Rise of the Motorcycle Industry in Chongqing China
- David Geeslin, Music Recording Industry Change: Where The Tune Will Come From
- Joseph Bottrell, Lending Growth in North Dakota
- Tiffany Zilka, Gender Gap in U. S. Unemployment
- Amjad Habouch, The Quality of Life in the USA, Thailand and Turkey: Does Economic Growth Matter?
- Alexander Kangas, More Homeowner Loss? The Effects of Ulitlity Construction
- Keega Stock, Economic Impact of Drug Prohibition
- Lindsay Brustad, The Effects Of International Trade On Human Development In Developing Countries: A Statistical Analysis
- Jacob Claussen, Structural Unemployment In The Fargo Moorhead Area
- Amy Kemp, Factors Affecting Youth Crime Rates
- Derick Hermanson, Crime in the USA: A Panel Analysis
- Eric Sobolik, Industry Study
- Abdullahi Mohamed, Wage Differentials for Immigrant Women in the United States: Effect of Gender and Ethnicity
- Nathan Och, The Potential Impact of a Mass Trasist System on Congestion Costs
- Daniel Schoenecker, The True Value of the Dollar Menu
- Craig Ehrmantraut, Health Care Reform
- Eric Bigelow, Urban Growth Boundaries and Housing Prices
- Robert Haas, An Analysis of the International Automobile Industry
- Achala Acharya, Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in India
- Sumi Sharma, China's Economic Growth
- Charles Johnson, The Payoff of Self- Directed Work Teams
- Matthew Borgen, Effect of Wal-Mart Supercenters on Grocery Prices in Minnesota
- Prashant Shrestha, Forecasting Crude Oil
- Ross Aldentaler, Free Trade Block Comparison of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- Naomi Turman, An Examination of "Glass Ceiling" Barriers by White Women and African-American Women in Corporate America
- Olesya Kurilo and Subhechhaya Shrestha, Women Unemployment in the United States and Europe from the Years 1970-1990
- Michael Olson, An Examination of the Effects of a Minimum Wage Increase
- David Slovik, The Impact of Commute Time on the Labor Force Participation of Women
- Samantha Pierson, Drug Prohibition
- Akiko Nakamura, Alternative Environmental Policies Regarding Global Climate Change
- Lucas Walton, A Look into the Airline Industry
- Dwight Leidholm, Rising costs of Healthcare
- Shiho Imonate, Analysis of Human Mortality
- Luke Schulz, Taxing the Fat out of America
- Ross Godfread, Opportunity Costs in Drug Rehabilitation
- Joe Denker, Title IX in Division II
- Ryan Facobs & Jeannie Kempers, Recent Progress in Poverty Reduction in MN
- Seth Lachowitzer, River Blindness
- Derick Hermanson, The U.S.-China Trade and its Positive Impacts on the U.S. Rural Economy
- Matthew Greer & Alishia Salmen, Switching from Gasoline to Ethanol: Cost Implications on Various Social Groups in the USA
- Alyson Froslie, Female Labor Force Participation: A Cross-Sectional Study of Major U.S. Cities
- Cory Markert, Economic Analysis of the Recording Industry
- Ananda Gurung, U.S. Automobile Industry
- Joe Larson, Title IX in Division II
- DeeDee Doso, Unemployment in America
- Theresa Obeng, Credit Card Debt Among College Students
- Lee Isaacson, Economic and Social Consequences of the Mounting U.S. Debt
- Christopher Prahl, NAFTA and Its Effects on U.S. Jobs
- James Daniels, The Sugar Beet Industry in ND and MN
- Nirmal Raj Poudyal, Trade Imbalances Between USA and China 1999-2005
- Suzanne Johnson, Will Social Security Be There For You?
- Stephen Carland, Determinants of Selling Price on eBay
- Karim Dhanani, Income Inequality
- Adam Gierszewski, Qantitative Analysis of Online Auction of Coins
- Derek Hagen, Real Estate Prices in Fargo-Moorhead
- Alex Huseby, Determinants of Crime of Fargo Moorhead
- Scott Johnsrud, National Healthcare in the United States
- Joe Larson, Inflation and Unemployment, Empirical Evidence on the Phillips Curve 1950-1999
- Damien Scott, The Impact of Tuition Increases on University Enrollment
- David Torpen, Economic Analysis of Minnesota Lake Property Prices