Academic Requirements
Academic requirements are essential for earning a degree at MSUM. You can find information about degree requirements, registration, schedules, course descriptions, undergraduate and graduate catalog.
Graduate & Undergraduate Bulletin
The information in the applies to all undergraduate and graduate students at the university. It is important for you to be familiar with all the information that applies to you, including policies and procedures related to registration, academic progress and degree requirements.
Liberal Arts & Sciences Curriculum (LASC)
A core curriculum/general education requirements are required for all undergraduate students while pursuing a specific concentration in a chosen field of study. A broad range of courses are available to fulfill the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum requirements.
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)
Completion of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum fulfills the general education requirement for any degree at MSU Moorhead. Completion of any of the goal areas within the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum will be accepted as completion of that same goal area at MSUM. Individual competencies will be evaluated and transferred on a course-by-course basis.