Refund of Tuition & Fees
Students dropping courses must inform the Registrar's Office using the official drop procedures during the drop/add period. Refunds are not given for textbooks and materials.
MSUM may refund tuition and fees for individually dropped courses only if the drop occurs within:
- the first five (5) business days of the semester
- for summer semester and winter term, please check individual courses in eServices or the course schedule (some only have a one day deadline)
Please refer to the Payment Dates calendar for exact dates each semester. Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the published deadlines on the Academic Calendar. Tuition is not refundable when students drop or withdraw from courses after the published deadlines. However, if circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented him/her from complying with the established dates and deadlines for that term, the student may appeal the tuition.
Refund Due to Withdrawal
If a student officially totally withdraws from the University, MSUM will to the student and/or the student's financial aid funding sources according to the as established by the Minnesota State System Board of Trustees and the University.
Students who withdraw from all courses or discontinue enrollment during the Fall or Spring semesters should review information available at the Academic Success Center. Those students who wish to withdraw during the Summer Sessions or Winter Term should report to the Registrar's Office.
Return to Title IV (R2T4) & Minnesota State Financial Aid
Tuition and Fees Refund Appeal
Tuition and fees refund appeals includes both Undergraduate and Graduate courses. For appeals of tuition, students must be withdrawn from the course(s) for which they are requesting a tuition appeal for. Appeals must be submitted within 90 days of the end of the term in which the course(s) was dropped. All correspondence regarding a student's appeal status will be sent through the email address provided. If a tuition refund is approved by the committee, your student account will be credited. If the refund creates a credit balance, the balance will be paid to the student.