Learning Communities Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing to live in a Learning Community is one of the best decisions you can make to get engaged and connected with your campus. Check out our frequently asked questions to learn more about building and roommate requests, cost of participation and more.

What are the benefits of being in a Learning Community?

Data shows that students who decide to participate in a Learning Community retain at a higher rate than those who do not. This is largely in part due to your live in Learning Community Mentor who is tasked with creating an academically and socially enriching atmosphere for you, which drastically enhances your first-year experience!

What types of experiences will I receive in my Learning Community?

Your Learning Community experience will consist of living with and taking similar courses with students of the same interests as yourself. Your Learning Community Mentor will plan study nights, events, site visits, act as a support system, and so much more. Additionally, Learning Community students receive first registration into major specific courses that are set aside for you, along with first access into whichever hall your LC is located in.

How will I find a roommate if I decide to join a Learning Community?

Finding a roommate on MSUM’s campus can be done in various ways. Specifically in regard to being in a Learning Community, we suggest you find a roommate that will be living in the same Learning Community as you to provide for the best experience. This can be done within the housing application by utilizing our “roommate finder”.

Is there a cost to participate in a Learning Community?

There is a fee of $150 per semester to participate in a Learning Community. These funds are utilized by your Learning Community Mentor for things such as food and drinks at your study nights, events, materials, and so much more.

How do I apply to be in a Learning Community?

The MSUM housing application opens up October 1st every year. You can through the housing application with your Star ID and password. Within the housing application, you will indicate if you’re interested in being in a Learning Community or not. Before doing so, be sure you do your research and find what LC your major falls under so that you can select the correct one within the housing application. You can find a list of our offered Learning Communities.

When will I know if I have been admitted to a Learning Community?

Most students will get into at least one of their top three LC choices. If you are applying before May 1, you will most likely get into your first choice LC. In May you’ll be notified by email regarding your LC placement, how to choose a roommate, and be given additional information.

What if I have a roommate request?

Non-Learning Community students may live with a Learning Community if space allows. We recommend you live with another LC student but it is not required. Roommate requests should be made to Housing.

What if I change my major and have decided to participate in a major based Learning Community?

If you change your major you will be given the opportunity to opt out of a major based LC at the end of the first semester. You will not be required to move out of your room. You will not be charged the $150 fee for the spring semester.

How can I get out of the Learning Community midyear?

When you submitted your LC application you agreed to participate in a Learning Community for one academic year. Documented reasons you may opt out midyear: you change your major; you move to a different building to accommodate a room change request; you demonstrate financial hardship; you live off campus and find it too challenging to return to campus to participate.