Moving Out of Residence Halls

Residence Halls Close for Spring Semester on Friday, May 16, 2025 at 7pm

As your residence hall contract indicates, you should be completely moved and checked out of your room within 24hrs of your last final unless one of the following applies to you:

  • You are part of Commencement; and/or
  • You already have a summer room assignment
    • Summer housing residents will complete their checkout after they have checked into their summer room.
  • Returning to your same room next fall? Apply for Summer Storage so you do not need to haul everything out. Learn more.

You will receive a yellow Express Check-out envelope at your final floor meeting. When you have removed all your personal belongings and thoroughly cleaned you room, lock your door, check your mailbox one last time, seal your key(s) into the yellow envelope and give to a Hall Desk worker or if closed, drop into your hall's outgoing mail slot. Ensure that all university property remains in room:

  • Desk chair(s)
  • Wastebasket

Failure to properly check out will result in additional fees.

Express Check-Out is a fast, east and contact-free way in which residents can check out of your residence hall. Residents must meet the following criteria:

  • Room is emptied of all personal belongings
  • Room is cleaned and left in good condition 

How does Express Check Out work?

  • Residents will receive a yellow check-out envelope in their mailbox prior to Campus Study Day
  • Residents must pack and remove all their belongings from their room and thoroughly clean
  • When ready to leave:
    • Completely fill out the form and read all the information
    • Say goodbye to your room and lock your door
    • Check your mailbox one last time
    • Place keys inside the envelope and seal it
    • Bring envelope to hall desk (or if closed, drop in your hall's outgoing mail slot)

If you have an exceptional circumstance which doesn’t allow you to check out by the defined time, you must apply for approval for a late check out:

  • Apply for
  • Apply for approval at least 3 days before desired check-out.
    • Desired sign-up for Spring
    • Check-outs without 3-days notice may have to perform a standard check-out with RA

Not all late check out requests are approved.

What else do I need to know?

  • There is no guarantee that your request will be approved; requests received after May may not be considered
  • Late check outs will be billed $15/night
  • Late check out residents still need to make an appointment with an RA for a proper check out or choose the option to better suit your schedule
    • You will receive an email the first week of May, instructing you on how to schedule your late check out and the on-duty staff member information

Quiet Hours for all semesters begin on Study Day. Please be respectful of those concentrating on their studies.

Courtesy Hours: This is the time you should use for noisier tasks, such as vacuuming or freely visiting with other residents.

Daily | 4 pm - 6 pm

Study Areas

Many of the buildings on campus have extended hours during finals week.

Lofts rented from College Loft Services must be disassembled and removed by Study Day.

Loft Pick-Up will be by appointment. If you need to move out prior to College Loft Services contacting you, please contact them to make an appointment by calling 218.354.2107.

Permanent lofts and all furniture in Dahl, Grantham, Holmquist and Snarr Complex should be returned to the original location/layout when you moved in.

If you rented a MicroFridge from MSUM Housing, you will need to put in a work order PRIOR to doing your official check out. The unit will not be removed until after your check out.

The MicroFridge MUST be emptied and thoroughly cleaned and defrosted before your check out appointment.

As you clean, please take all trash and garbage outside to the dumpsters for your hall to prevent a buildup of trash

  • Ballard Dumpster: located south of building, female side
  • Dahl/Nelson/Grantham Dumpster: dumpster located north of Nelson Hall; there will be an additional dumpster during finals week between Dahl and Nelson/Grantham (in the loop)
  • Holmquist Hall: dumpster located east of building; there will be an additional dumpster during finals week on the north side of the building (main entrance)
  • All floor trash rooms will be locked starting the Friday after Study Day.
    • This is to avoid a build-up during move-out and so GMWs can focus on cleaning vs. continually taking out the trash
    • Please put all trash items in the outside dumpsters at this time

Due to COVID, carts will not be provided.

Consider donating unwanted items rather than throwing them.

  • Unwanted clothing/household items
    • Donate to the Dakota Boys Ranch Thrift Store (next to the Pizza Ranch)
      1500 Center Avenue West/Highway 10, Dilworth, MN
  • Unopened, non-perishable food items
    • Donate to the Dorothy Day Food Pantry (very close to campus)
      1308 Main Avenue, Moorhead, MN
  • Do not sweep your floor’s dirt/debris out into the hallway
  • Vacuum the immediate area outside your room
  • Floors must be swept and mopped (or vacuumed)...including under/behind any moveable furniture
  • Closet, shelves, and desk/dresser must be dusted and wiped clean (inside and out)
  • Leftover adhesive residue should be completely removed from walls, floors, cabinetry and doors; do NOT remove Command Strips - our staff will remove them to ensure the wall is not damaged
  • Do not leave trash or personal items in the hallway or other common areas...even if just for a short time!
  • Be courteous to your GMW, they appreciate your cooperation!
    • This is to avoid a build-up of trash during move-out and so GMWs can focus on cleaning vs. continually taking out the trash
    • Please put all trash items in the outside dumpsters at this time

Cleaning Supplies

A limited number of cleaning supplies will be available at your hall desk for check out

  • Items available: vacuums, brooms, sponges, glass cleaner and liquid soap
  • Please return items as soon as you are done with them so others can use them!
  • Please ask for GooGone to remove stubborn tape from surfaces

After you have checked out of your room, your RA will inspect your room to assess any potential damages that have occurred since you arrived.

  • Leaving without properly checking out with your Express Check Out envelope may result in an Improper Check Out Fee of $50
  • Failure to return all your keys will result in a $50-$135 replacement charge (depending on your building)
  • Failure to properly clean your room and/or failure to remove any personal belongs or garbage will result in charges being applied to your student account
  • You will be charged for any missing items from the room (i.e. desk chair, wastebasket)
  • If cleaning/damages are assessed, you will see charges assessed to your eServices account

Residents can submit a work request for their room via their . Log in and click the Maintenance tab. This is also where residents may view comments from Maintenance staff regarding the work. To submit work orders for public spaces in your hall, such as the bathroom, contact your RA or Hall Desk.