SMART Start Program

SMART Start (Student Mentoring Academic Resource Team) is a program for motivated students who are ready to work hard to be successful in college.鈥� Participants engage in a community that supports first year students’ transition to life at MSUM. Historically, after participating in SMART Start, students outperform their peers in all subject areas and become leaders on the MSUM campus.鈥� If you express one of the identities below and are excited to join a community that will ease your transition to college, then SMART Start is the place for you.

  • Black or African American
  • Asian
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • First Generation College Student
  • Income Eligible (Pell-eligible, eligible for federal assistance programs ex. free or reduced-price meals, TANF, SNAP benefits, etc.)
  • LGBTQ12A+

*Please refer to for further guidance on the terms above.

MSUM thanks the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Intervention for College Attendance Grants for making it possible for students to participate in the SMART Start Program at no cost.

What is SMART Start?

Frequently Asked Questions about SMART Start

By participating in SMART Start, students will:

  • Build community in an environment that fosters belonging.
  • Create a support network of peers, staff, faculty and community members.
  • Develop social-emotional skills and academic learning strategies.
  • Identify resources to meet and support student needs.

Being a part of SMART Start comes at no additional cost to the students! All costs of the early arrival, which includes activities, meals, and moving into the dorms early, are covered by MSUM.

  • Arrive August 17
  • Attend and engage in all program events August 17 – August 21
  • Enrollment in course for SMART Start students
  • Create a community and sense of belonging
  • Meet other new students
  • Participate in social and academic activities led by peer mentors
  • Connect with campus resources and supports
  • It allows them to start connections with peers early, have a better understanding of their classes and schedule, and grow a support system early on.
  • SMART Start truly values making MSUM feel like home to those that may feel like outsiders.
  • I met my best friend through SMART Start.

For more information about SMART Start contact

Zinnia Marquette (She/Her/Hers)
Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator
Diversity & Inclusion Office
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2476218.477.2476
CU 120D

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